Thread: One Eye
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Old 01-01-2010, 05:34 PM   #3
Kelly Pedersen
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Default Re: One Eye

Originally Posted by pst View Post
The description says "You suffer -1 to DX in combat and on any task involving hand-eye coordination". Would you recalculate Parry and Block from the decreased level of Melee Weapon and Shield (so -1 if even before)?
I don't quite understand your last parenthetical comment, but to answer the general question, yes, you apply the -1 penalty to weapon/shield skill, then calculate parry or block. So if you normally have Shield-14, your block would normally be 10, but with One Eye, it's 9.

Originally Posted by pst
and not doing it in close combat at all since I imagine it isn't such a big disadvantage then.
Don't forget that having only one eye will give you a big "blind spot" on the side without the eye, since you don't have any peripheral vision on that side. I assume that that's where most of the melee penalty comes from, actually - the fact that opponents can stay on your bad side, making it harder to anticipate their attacks and target them for your own. I wouldn't remove the penalty for close combat, either, because a punch is just as bad when it comes from your blind side as a sword thrust.
I could, however, see removing the penalty for grappling, since at that stage you're going to be doing a lot more by touch rather than sight.

Originally Posted by pst
The text continues "and -3 on ranged attacks (unless you Aim first)". But if you aim there is no minus at all for One Eye (so by aiming you gain Acc+3)?
The penalty for ranged combat is because it's hard to judge distances with only one eye and no binocular vision. But our brain has other ways of calculating distance - comparison to the background, shifting slightly to get parallax, etc. They just take longer than binocular vision does. Taking an Aim action lets you use those techniques, and cancels the penalty.
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