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Old 10-09-2017, 06:57 PM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: Advice sought for fleshing out a major villian

Originally Posted by L.J.Steele View Post
Look for some good fictional examples and see what the authors do to establish character. Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Marcone from Dresden Files are both good criminal mob bosses who exude menace without being obvious about it.
I haven't ever watched BREAKING BAD, largely for the same reason I've not watched THE GODFATHER or THE SOPRANOS. Mind you, I'm not some "prude" per se, but I largely have a distaste for movies or shows that glorify the Criminal elements of society. Some movies I watch just to glean nasty ideas from. One was inspired from a movie with a grenade attack in an elevator...

One of these days in my current campaign, I will likely inflict the "Grenade" in the elevator attack where the player character is in an elevator going down, and while between where he started, and where he wants to go (say, ground level lobby perhaps), the elevator stops at a floor with a woman standing there. She'll look into the elevator and say "I've changed my mind, I'll take the next elevator. Her hands will be behind her back and as the elevator doors begin to close, she'll wait until the absolute last second to pop a grenade through the closing doors.

The player himself will likely go "OH <censored"! and then think there is nothing he can do.

If I have another NPC in there, I may have the NPC land on the grenade (especially if it is an NPC the player has come to enjoy) or perhaps have the grenade be a dud or dummy or what have you. I try not to be a killer GM unless the player has really EARNED it (a sniper round once finished off a player's character who earned it, but the player had warning of it as well...)

But, the Dresden Files books I have access to, or perhaps I should take your advice and maybe watch the specific episodes in Breaking Bad (Netflix has it).

Any specific Episodes you'd suggest I watch?

By the way Lisa, Nice to bump into you again!!! :)
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