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Old 05-04-2010, 09:03 AM   #7
tanniynim's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Default Re: Dies the Fire/Emberverse RPG

I'd be careful having the players "build themselves." This tends to result in building characters who are either much better than their own RL selves and characters who are underpowered and unsuited for the campaign.

Especially when it comes to IQ, there is no simple measurement to associate it with RL IQ. IQ Tests are NOT a good measure. There are some good threads on this, but I'm having trouble finding them due to not being able to search for "IQ." Remember to use talents if someone doesn't match the GURPS IQ definition, but is really good at certain things.

I LIKE the idea of having the players play themselves, I really do. However, you need to have some pretty strict guidelines so things are consistent.

Here's how I'd start:

Have the players rate themselves (Maybe even each other) in English, and assign a point value to that.
In other words, ask Peter, "How strong are you? Average, Below Average, or Above Average?" Then ask for clarification and rate them between 8-12 unless you have a good reason to go much higher or lower. I'd try to keep everyone's attributes in this range since statistics tells us most people will be in this range.

Have the players list things they do regularly in terms like "Always, Often, Sometimes, and Rarely." Assign actual CP values to each of these words, and then assign them to skills. For instance, if Peter works at a Construction Site, "Always" may be a good description for his Construction Skill. If we assign 7 points to "Always" and the Default for Construction is IQ+0 (Sorry, IDHMBWM), he should have Construction at IQ+3. On the other hand, he "Rarely" fights with the SCA as an Archer, so you may want to give him Archery Sport only under the Dabbler perk.

Go easy on these, in general. Most people who are Lecherous or Bullies only have it as a quirk, and Charisma +3 is a pretty extreme ability.

Point Totals:
I'd give the players a range you are shooting for and not worry too much about modern skills that aren't going to be used.
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