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Old 08-10-2018, 02:09 AM   #7
Join Date: May 2018
Default Re: Non-combat characters

Originally Posted by SwordlordRoy View Post
Considering the game is based heavily on two arena micro games, this may be an odd subject, but it's one I will doubtless have to deal with...

To explain, one of the players in my group has been on a huge kick of making characters who are more or less like him in real life, a small-business owner. Doesn't matter the system (have you ever tried looking through most of the RIFTS catalog to try and find a merchant class? We just did!), he always wants to stand as far back as possible and open up a shop in the nearest town.

Any recommendations on how to handle something like this in TFT?
Yes, I usually like to play non-combat characters. Not always, combat characters are fun too but we spend most of the time at the table outside of combat, so I like to have characters that can do interesting things during that time. I usually focus on "utility characters" who can make things that solve problems.

In my opinion, it's best to have mechanics that make it fun to use talents outside of combat -- i.e. actual task resolution rules instead of "playing let's pretend" and leaving everything subjective and up to the GM. I created several threads on this (hopefully not ad nauseum) and Steve agrees that TFT absolutely needs contest rules. The thread I just linked was all about getting feedback for a document I wrote about contests, how to use them, when to use them, examples, etc.
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