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Old 01-04-2019, 11:08 AM   #14
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Default Re: [RPM] Gem Lore, Lapidaries and Precious Stones as Traditional Trappings

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
If you don't think you can take the main villains, helping some third party steal it and blowing up the airliner they are fleeing aboard over the mid-Atlantic seems well within the ethical boundaries of most PCs.

I'm sure there are less evil options too, though a lot hinges on what other than theft the curse will regard as a transfer of ownership.
All true.

On the subject of PC evil, one of my players designed a sympathetic, merciful, Charitable Monster Hunter motivated by religion. Not a Knight Templar, but a Good Shepherd type, concerned with saving everyone, not punishing evil.

Then he started playing and couldn't understand why everyone was fairly nonplussed with his brutality and ruthlessness. He was upset that anyone would interpret Charitable as preventing the instant and merciless execution of anyone who might hurt another person, whether now or in the future.

The PC was docked character points when experience was awarded, for explicitly choosing to use Intimidation instead of Diplomacy to disarm a confused young man holding a sacrifical knife and axe, both of which he's tried to use on the PC, at defaul, with his eyes closed, while crying "Death! Death!" in the least manly voice since Pee Wee Herman. The player had wanted to use the stock of his shotgun instead of social skills and the use of Intimidation was a compromise because he got some disapproving looks. The literal justifiaction for choosing Intimidation: "I want to make the little **** cry. I think I can make him **** himself on a good roll."

He did.

After that, I had a talk with the player and removed Disadvantages he had never once displayed any sign off in three sessions, except when prompted by others at the table, like Charitable and Guilt Complex. Added On the Edge and a Quirk that the PC is a real ****** when threatened.

Retcon makes the character sheet match the PC being played, rather than the tragic and heroic figure created. And I think it's official. This player, nice as he is in real life, simply cannot play virtuous people. The available range is from utterly amoral psychopath to ******s on the side of good. The Punisher, through Dexter on to Jayne in Firefly or Titus Pullo in HBO's Rome. If they can't casually commit acts of mayhem and at least low-grade comedic sociopathic villainy without violating a Disadvantage, the player is evidently not on board.

I guess some people just want to raise a family, love and provide for them the lifelong day and then, every week or so, eat fast food and pretend to be someone who wants to see the world burn. Or at least bully weaklings into bladder failure and uncontrollable crying, while saving the world through ruthless murder and one-liners.
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Last edited by Icelander; 01-05-2019 at 03:05 AM.
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