Thread: Orcslayer
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Old 11-07-2019, 08:09 PM   #29
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Orcslayer

Oh no, I didn't mean you were off topic, but sometimes people post in the TFT forum thinking it's a GURPS forum, and I wasn't sure you knew that so I was mentioning it for attempted clarity.

I really like Orcslayer, mainly as a good intro adventure that is simple and compartmentalized enough to serve up digestible little tactical situations, with prepared maps and foes (with sheets made up in a practical format, not a text blob about character points like many published GURPS characters). And that they are pretty varied and suggestive of how different tactical (and some travel) situations can be interesting just by having them be logical and laying out situations to represent the situation. And it's nice that it strings them along in a way that has context.

I think it's great intro material both for GMs and for players, especially if they are learning the system and how to run things.

I like that it's not much more developed or open-ended than it is, because that helps focus the play and the learning on the prepared situations that have maps, foes, and supporting rules.

I also like that, unlike GURPS worldbooks, it does give you enough supporting rules for relevant details, like battering rams, arrow slits and travel rules as needed.

When I ran it I mainly wanted to use it as a learning situation and not get off track, so I didn't feel a need to detail the villages. But I did sketch a bit more of a map, even though the route was intended to be a straight shot. But I love maps and map-based play.

Of course I also liked that it comes with tactical combat maps for its scenarios, including castle maps!
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