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Old 01-16-2016, 10:54 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Northern Virginia, USA
Default Re: [Basic] Skill of the week: Leadership

Lots of PCs have Leadership, in many genres. Lots of players like to lead.

Most players I know don't enjoy following orders, though, so PC parties tend to be egalitarian collectives rather than hierarchies. (There are games where some of the PCs get to order the others around due to military rank or one PC hiring another PC or whatever, but I think that's pretty rare compared to games where all the PCs are equal.) So Leadership typically only gets used on other PCs if there's a direct game benefit, usually resisting some disadvantage (like Berserk) or mind control effect (like a Fear spell) that's making the other PC do something his player would rather not. At all other times the players I know try to persuade the player in real life rather than trying to persuade the PC using skills.

It's useful on NPCs, though. If the party wants to hire some minions, putting the PC with the best Leadership skill in charge of them seems smart.
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