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Old 09-02-2009, 05:08 AM   #48
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Luxembourg
Default Re: [OOC]Transhuman Space/Traveller Interstellar Wars: Transhuman Stars

XiuXiu full background to come here.

young adult

recent times:
XiuXiu spent the last 30 years getting as close of zeroed as a 5th wave citizen can get:

-no independant income
-no debt
-most of her money on anonymous orbital accounts.
-rented housing, no sign of high status or obvious display of wealth

-husband and childrens dead; grand-childrens have mostly not seen her since her son funeral.

-no contacts with former contacts, favor-holder, debitors, friends, ...

-most memberships and subscriptions elapsed or closed.

-no signed articles in memetics or politics journals and forums.

-subtle use of memetics in open database entries about her to generate a subject-not-interesting feeling.

Still a registered, tax-paying and voting EU citizen, nothing unusual.
Between consulting job for big, serious, honest firms, she do a lot of tourism and travelling, on and off earth.

The official reason for this greying out are:
-old age
-sadness over her husband and childrens death
-shame over her nervous disorder

the real reasons are
-hiding some less than legal dealing in her AI right activism.
-finding and being at the right place, with no ties, when someone get ready to reach to
the stars. She have the intuition backed with carefull observation and analysis of
scientific progress that it will be 'soon'

And indeed the time have come, and one of her ai friend have called her, and she is at
the right time, at the right place, ready to ' boldly go where noone have gone before' .


Last edited by Celjabba; 09-02-2009 at 08:46 AM.
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