Thread: HEAL spell?
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Old 05-29-2018, 02:42 PM   #30
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: HEAL spell?

Originally Posted by Jim Kane View Post
LARS, your post is as puzzling to me as a fortune-cookie LOL! Are you saying that SJ's draft on the Healing Spell is good to go "as is", or are you agreeing with KIRK's mathematical thesis ?

Please clarify further at the usual standard of your normally brilliant and impactful elucidations and pontifications on all matter TFT; so we are all clear on just what it is you are agreeing to, and why.

Besides, I enjoy your posts so much, and that one, left me feeling a bit ripped-off LOL!


Sorry for the cryptic missive; I was in a rush!

Anyway, my feeling is that, as for all suggestions about TFT, the approach to healing should be kept simple and maintain something close to the balance currently in the game. So, if I were in charge, and in the mood to respond to the longstanding outcry for a TFT healing spell, I would look at the way healing works now and craft a new path that gets you to more or less the same place, with more or less the same trade offs of pre-requisites and expenditures.

The two ways of 'assisted' healing in the game as it stands are the Physicker talents and healing potions. Both Alchemist and Master Physicker require IQ 14, so that is a reasonable place to put the IQ threshold for an equivalent spell. Master Physicker is limited to 3 points per injury and use of the talent. Healing potions are unlimited in principle and have low material costs, but given the cost in time to make them, an alchemist who did nothing but make and administer Healing potions full time could only cure 52 points per year, total. So, we should not think of this as something that is available in unlimited amounts.

As a compromise that respects these precedents, I would assign a Healing spell an IQ minimum of 14, limit it using the rule of 5 (no more than 5 points healed per casting) and assign a cost of 5 ST per point cured, effectively reversing the trade represented in Drain Strength. I would also be fine with Steve's suggested 3:1 trade. Or if someone wanted to do it as a 2:1 trade I wouldn't be offended.
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