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Old 01-14-2019, 09:54 AM   #14
Black Leviathan
Join Date: Sep 2018
Default Re: Using Megacorporations

Greg Bear once said that he wrote Mega Corporations in the same style Victorian romantics wrote about sovereign nations. They didn't understand the intricacies of how pre-industrial governments handled diplomacy but neither did their readers. They just knew there were a lot of spies, ministers probably couldn't be trusted everyone was getting ready for a war. So he wrote his Cyberpunk with much the same feel. From the perspective of the character Megacorps were monolithic and didn't care about the character. When they did interact characters would interact with someone in a fancy suit with a fancy title who didn't really have any power and didn't really want to make the situation better, but if you could manipulate the information spies had you could exert some control over these unyielding sovereign entities.
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