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Old 03-19-2016, 09:34 AM   #33
Mister Ed
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon
Default Re: Munchkin Collectible Card game?!

Originally Posted by philreed View Post
Try some draft tournaments. The experience offers a lot more than just opening card packs. (Though some get a fascinating rush and sense of joy just in the act of opening packs and discovering cards.)
I've felt that rush, too....for the first few packs. Then it becomes, "ANOTHER one of THOSE? I've already got 10. Well let's see what the rare is." Any time the rare isn't new (or at least really useful), then I feel this regret of even purchasing the pack in the first place.

I might give a draft tournament a try if a Munchkin one materializes near me, depending on the cost. I've never really gotten into tournaments with any of the CCGs I've gotten, simply because even with as much money as I spent on them (and it sure seemed like a lot) I was never able to actually feel like I could remotely compete with the people that must have been spending even MORE. It isn't much fun to lose repeatedly by a large margin, and some of my experiences were against people that weren't exactly good winners.

I tended to stick to playing at home with family, which really was what led me to reevaluate bothering with games that cost SOOOOO much in the long run. I decided I'd far rather buy a BUNCH of different non-randomized games (including I don't even know how much Munchkin off hand) and get much more play value (and variety) for my buck. CCGs have a tendency to totally dominate the games budget when I get into them. I've certainly gotten more hours of enjoyment out of playing Munchkin with the family than I ever did PLAYING any of the CCGs I got into (oddly my favorite part was often organizing them in binders).

Last edited by Mister Ed; 03-19-2016 at 09:39 AM.
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