Thread: Mage Blade
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:51 PM   #9
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Mage Blade

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
That is a ridiculous amount of damage for a fantasy game.
Yes it is. And note there are already perfectly good Jet spells out there, a magic item for one of those will have a similar look and be much less unbalanced relative to the rest of the stuff in a fantasy world.

I have actually allowed mages to conjure a supernatural blade weapon, but it didn't go over 3d and I priced it as a separate advantage, not something included in Magery. Since 4e provides quite nice rules for Innate Attacks that 3e didn't, I'd restat it using those if I did it again.

If you really wanted the standard forceblade Innate Attack (Burning, 8d, Armor Divisor (5) +150%, Melee Attack (C,1) -20%) is a 92 point advantage. Turning it into a Gadget is still going to leave it somewhere around 50 points unless you make it unreliable, which pretty strongly hints as to why stacking it for free on top of Magery 3 might not be a good idea when there's nothing else in the campaign that's scaled against that.

A less unbalancing version looking more like what I've used before might be (Toxic 3d, Melee (C,1) -20%, Costs Fatigue (1/turn) -10%, requires a Ready action to turn on the first turn (a little better than Takes Extra Time 1, call it -5%)) [8] not a *whole* lot better than a sword, or a jet spell, for not a whole lot more points.
MA Lloyd
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