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Old 08-21-2019, 01:42 PM   #3
Black Leviathan
Join Date: Sep 2018
Default Re: Adventure seeds - 16th Century

Claiming land means access to fantastical power and wealth. Those to stand to gain the most won't be edpeditionary forces but wealthy business owners and lesser gentry back in Venice. Even if an "Alliance" flag flies over the New West Indies chances are Millinery industrialist who helped finance consolidation efforts will be given a Dukedom, especially if he tips the scales in his favor. To that end there will likely be conspirators who insert agents into the flying company to ensure the people they represent look as good as possible once the dust settles. These agents could be in positions of command and may endanger members of the company or disobey direct orders and shift the blame onto someone else to make sure things play out how their masters want it to.

A lot has changed in your world but it still sounds like Colonists are getting the shaft. Any given Allied colony probably has conspirators trying to build a rebellion to resist European rule, possibly reaching out to group2. Or vise versa perhaps representatives of group2's colonies are approaching the PCs for aid in a rebellion.
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