Thread: Cestus question
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Old 08-12-2020, 08:47 AM   #4
Axly Suregrip
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Durham, NC
Default Re: Cestus question

I read it that the cestus DX penalty, when only one is used, is to be exactly the same as a main-gauche. Let me explain why.

First, ITL page 113 is states that "A single cestus is treated exactly like a main-gauche". So it is clear that it is like a MG only when it is a single cestus.

Then when you read about two cesti in the next paragraph, it is the DX penalty that is treated differently.

I would also add that a cestus is not a parrying weapon. A main gauche or a sai has quillions meant for catching the blow. A cestus is basically a brutal boxing glove. Here is a roman sculpture of a cesti boxer "Boxer at Rest":
As you can see, nothing about that makes it a weapon that would excel at parries.

BTW, if you want a good thread about main-gauche and two weapons seeL
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