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Old 10-06-2018, 10:45 AM   #114
The Wyzard
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Default Re: IQ rise and talents

I think this can probably be fixed by the individual GM tweaking XP costs. Something I noted in ITL is that you don't get XP for combat results as you do in Melee/Wizard (or, IIRC, original ITL) - the award is per-session. That's interestingly different, and it changes the feel a lot.

It also means that since XP awards are arbitrary, you can scale the costs however you want. For example, I'd knock a zero off of them all, since I don't see anything that isn't divisible by ten anyway.

Something like this:
1. PCs gain 1-10 XP per session, depending on the length and difficulty of the session.
2. A talent or spell costs 10 points (with the normal multipliers for heroes buying spells or wizards buying talents, multipoint talents, etc.)
3. Your first additional attribute point costs 10 points, with each additional one having the cost multiplied by 1.5, rounding down, unless rounding up gets you to a number that ends with 5 or 0.
4. Lesser wishes are 20, but you can only have one at a time. Manastaff upgrades are 15 XP.
5. Buying money with XP is stupid and I'm not writing rules for it, thanks for coming to my TED talk.

That's probably less than 200 words of house rules, took me five minutes to write, and I'm pretty happy with them. XP in ITL is simple enough that you can house rule it however you want without breaking much of anything.

Addendum: This is what attribute costs would look like if you used the above math.
33rd: 10
34th: 15
35th: 22
36th: 33
37th: 50
38th: 75
39th: 112
40th: 168

Things still level off pretty sharply in the attribute department, but your 38th point is only 7.5 times as expensive as your first attribute purchase, instead of 16 times as expensive. Alternately you could do something even more level than this, say just having each attribute point beyond the 37th cost ten more XP than the previous one. If you can get five or six points worth of talents for the cost of one attribute point, that might do the trick, even if they don't continue to increase exponentially in cost.

It pretty much depends on what you want your campaign to look like.

You could even have flat costs for everything and just adjust the amount of XP you give out per adventure as the campaign goes on.
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