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Old 11-13-2016, 10:18 AM   #20
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: [Game] Work Up a Steampunk Setting

Question 18
Are there any supersciences in the setting? What forms do they take? And therefore, what is the TL?

Answer to Q18
There is a concerted effort by a large group of scientists around the world to categorize and study the source of supernatural powers. Most are ostracized from the scientific community and have much difficulty in finding subjects to research. Less ethical scientists have taken to kidnapping subjects for experimentation. Advances has been slow, but many are confident that a breakthrough will occur this century.

Otherwise, superscience isn't really a thing in this setting. It mostly takes the form of limited superscience, i.e. steam-driven mechanical computers that could compete with electromechanical designs, or more efficient boilers that could compete with electrical power systems.

The TL is broadly 5+1. Nuclear physics is still of interest only to physicists. Electricity is primarily used for street lights in blocks rich enough to have their own DC generator. Indoor lighting has is marred by a lack of a practical filaments. Medicine is basically TL6. Agronomy is experimenting with nitrogen fertilizers. Of little industrial influence, there have been experiments in producing tar coral in labs. Astronautics is being spurred onwards by the French Academy of Sciences, mostly because its president, Séverine Paquet, is a big fan of Verne. The French space cannon has had little success so far though.

Question 20
How are the governments of the world powers organized?

Last edited by TGLS; 11-13-2016 at 02:56 PM. Reason: Numbering error, Apostrophe error
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