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Old 06-15-2016, 06:57 AM   #6
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Default Re: Statting heroes from the Trojan War?

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
Well, Achilles is the son of a goddess (as are practically all the other heroes except Hector). So while he's not a god, he is certainly more than a mortal man. The heroes of the Trojan War routinely do things that "no man today" could do, like heaving huge boulders at each other.
Pretty sure Achilles, Aeneas, and Helen were the only participants in the Trojan War who were given divine parentage (a river nymph, Aphrodite, and Zeus, respectively). Paris certainly wasn't, nor were Agamemnon, Menelaus, Ajax the Lesser, the one Amazon general who fought for Troy, Odysseus, etc. (Ajax the Greater might have had divine parentage, but I can't remember for certain.) Most of them had divine ancestors two to six generations back, though; the whole point of the Trojan War, from the gods' perspective, was to thin the divine bloodlines because the monsters (children of Echidna and Typhon) the heroes had been created to slay were mostly dead already, and were no longer needed.

Most of the Greek heroes I'd give the DF Knight template to. Odysseus would be a Knight-Thief-Scout hybrid. Ajax the Greater might be better done as a Barbarian-Knight. Paris would probably be better done using Scout; he's not that great with a sword, but he's the one that takes out Achilles with a bow.

(The movie Troy has Paris shooting three arrows at Achilles to kill him, with the first in the heel. It explains the "invulnerability-except-the-heel" bit as Achilles removing the other two arrows as he died. For all its faults, mythologically speaking, it was a fairly decent representation of how the war might have actually gone "in real life".)

Cassandra, the prophetess, I'd build using Divine Favor rather than a skill-based magic system. Not sure id there were others that used magic in any form; it seemed to be the possession of the gods.
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