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Old 09-30-2018, 11:50 AM   #48
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: IQ rise and talents

Thanks Platimus. Good proposal.


* What I'll actually do will probably be a house rule. I'm mainly posting comments on this out of concern for new players getting something weirdly not what the old TFT offered. I'm trying to express what I think is amiss mainly for their sake, and also because ideally I'd like TFT's official new version to be as good as possible.

* On point 2), I prefer using both to only using 400-500XP talent points, and I don't see it as cheating, but as the 500 XP being something that represents how great amounts of experience can push the normal limits of what most people learn. So it seems ok to me at 500 XP, but not as a replacement of the normal way people learn talents, by just studying them, because probably a lot of people don't max out their IQ, or they only need to spend 100 XP to get a little more IQ-as-life-experience.

* I much prefer your XP curve to the one in the current PDF. But I prefer even more something like the last XP curve SJ posted to the Experience thread, which was:

33 & below: 100
34: 300
35: 700
36: 1500
37: 2700
38: 4300
39: 6300
40: 9300

(I would also allow 41+ at an increasing cost, but I don't think it needs to double each point to be prohibitive-enough, and think it probably shouldn't double each point because that leads to ridiculous numbers and making the GM look fishy if he makes an NPC like even the newly-reduced Tollenkar.)

This lets 32-point or lower characters get up to a reasonable/normal 33 with 100 XP/point.

It also achieves what I would really want, which is having most campaigns have lots of characters in the 32-36 point range for a good long time, and 37-40 being the most experienced people. (I think the new system is fast-track to 36, and 37-38 not so hard, which doesn't leave much time in the sweet spot, nor much differentiation between the longer-surviving characters.)
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