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Old 08-11-2014, 05:25 PM   #15
Rocket Man
Petitioner: Word of IN Filk
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Longmont, CO
Default Re: #RPGaday Topic 8: Favourite character

Mine would be from a friend's In Nomine campaign, a Mercurian of Destiny known on Earth as Kevin Ryder and in Heaven as Gareth. (For the unfamiliar, Mercurians are angels with the classic fluffy-wing appearance in their true forms.)

Kevin's Role was as an author of beginner's how-to books, to give people some of the basic tools to discover their interests, their abilities and ultimately their futures. Since Mercurians aren't allowed to act violently against humans and Destiny angels aren't allowed to push people toward their dark Fates, he often worked very subtly and indirectly, frequently slipping into the dream world to gain intelligence or guide a soul. After a while, one of the other PCs began to refer to him as the Chessmaster -- he was usually the one that would suss out the hidden angles of a problem and how to approach it by some means other than the front door.

Meanwhile, his powers were perfectly designed for learning NPCs in detail and the GM obliged on a grand scale -- Mercurians have a feel for human relationships and Destiny angels for human futures, and I was lucky enough to have a GM who could rapidly spin both on the fly. There was one soul he even visited in Purgatory several times (an added realm by the GM, described in Dante style) to see how her spiritual journey was progressing.

He was also the first PC that I've ever had develop a romantic relationship with an NPC in-game, rather than already have it as part of the background. His courtship of Tamar/Dani, a Cherub of Protection with the Role of a security guard, developed slowly and sweetly, culminating in a rare angel-angel wedding, and provided a wonderful backdrop to the grander dramas going on.

The day that Archangel Yves decided Kevin had earned his Rite of Passage -- the ability to use any repository of knowledge as a connection to Heaven's grand Library -- was a proud one indeed.
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
--Elizabeth McCoy, In Nomine Line Editor

Author: "What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger"
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