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Old 03-31-2023, 12:12 PM   #12
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Default Re: Why do demons and devils want souls?

Originally Posted by LiamEvans210 View Post
Basically, what the title says.

In most game cosmologies it's pretty much a given that the denizens of the infernal planes are very interested in collecting the souls of mortals (whatever that means), but why?
Depends on the metaphysics of the setting.

Originally Posted by LiamEvans210 View Post
The whole trope comes (I assume) from stereotypical christian theology/mythology, where it is largely a matter of petty spite, the Devil wanting to hurt God the only way he can, by hurting mortals. That a a little bit of misery loves company.
That not quite what happened there in many Christian theologies.

Originally Posted by LiamEvans210 View Post
But in a world where demons and devils can be fought physically, there are multiple gods and they can be communicated with, and traveling to hell or the abyss or whatever to battle the forces of darkness is an option (at least for some), that reason doesn't seem like it really works.

So why? What do the extra planar powers gain by gathering souls?
Like I said it depends on the metaphysics. If one goes with the vaguely Christian view of demons and devils then we are talking about irrational beings who have spiritually maimed themselves to the point where they are incapable of doing good.

If one views demons and devils as Miltonian anti-heroes then the reasons stems from how magic works in the setting. In short there is a reason but it's exact nature is a result of the handwavium that underlies the supernatural and magical aspects of the setting.

In my take

In my metaphysics, demons are what they are because they spiritually maimed themselves in pursuit of dominating creation. Their actions are the spiritual equivalent of putting your hand in a open flame and keeping it there despite knowing that something that you really shouldn't do normally.

The reason souls come to them is a result of doing evil acts maiming one's soul. Do this enough times without any type of healing (penance, seeking enlightenment, etc.) that upon death the individual soul naturally falls into the Abyss. Afterwhich the odds are likely that the newly arrived soul will be enslaved by a more powerful demon. For whatever demented reason the demon cooks up for itself.

As for interacting with mortals, demons are spiritually instance in my setting. They corrupt mortals because they can for whatever demented reason the individual demons cooks up for themself.

I am sharing this as an example of when there isn't an explicit advantage for demons to gain souls. Like souls being a magical resource or something similar.
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