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Old 03-20-2023, 11:02 AM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Madrid, Spain
Default Re: Self aware forest

Thank for your comments. You are right, some additional info might be useful.

I made a short write up trying to be more clear (and try to clarify my own ideas ;-).

"The exact nature of this being would arise hot debate among sages. Some would call it an elemental being; other would argue it is a deranged spirit of great power under delusion symptoms. Some venerate it as a god.

Whatever Bortgjiem Skog is, it is eons old, it is powerful and it has undying memory. It cannot “act” as itself but certainly it can control creatures and plants with his own will. Elementals (even mindless ones) seem to obey the forest but they are not under its control; it is an agreement.

Bortgjiem Skog (The Forgotten Forest) cannot be considered evil. It is an entity which resents change. It is unnerved by magic and it judges sport hunting a criminal act. Necromancy seems to be what it hates the most. After sensing what álfar and humans did to the forest and its creatures and plants, the forests decreed they were unwelcomed. Still, it only can feel such undesired visitors when they gather in groups larger than three individuals of the same species".

For example, three elves would go unnoticed. Two humans and two elves would go unnoticed. Four or more humans would be certainly detected. The forest could send some dire animals to kill them. It is "racist" for it thinks all elves (álfar in the setting) and humans are evil; still no bad feeling against (for example) dwarves or gnomes.

The forest does not "move" but it can use plants (like those found in the Garden of evil book), animals and elementals to fight its enemies. I think Sense life (as in Spells, p 26) would work. Note: Should it know some spells????

Its itelligence should portray that of an old sage; maybe IQ 18/20 in GURPS terms.

* * *

Adleman Bank is a site and a living being. It could be killed and it can communicate. It has good and bad feelings toward some people and it can negociate. That´s what I want this forest to be.

* * *

"PCs are not intended to understand it as an NPC but as a sentient landscape", seems like a good approach. Still I want to leave an open door to the delvers in case they want to communicate with the forest. They could even accept it as a patron!
Worlds which did not exist before we arrived in.
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