Thread: Main-Gauche
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Old 07-16-2018, 11:42 AM   #27
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Main-Gauche

To fill in the 'side bar' on HEMA, armored combat is not a central activity; 99 % of HEMA is focused on sport fencing using weapons, training manuals and rules that are similar to those handed down to us from 15th to early 19th century european sources. The longsword-like 'federschwert' is arguably the main weapon system used in competition, but there is also lots of fencing done with arming sword and buckler, rapier, military saber, messer, and a fair amount of european folk wrestling. Also cutting competitions. Most of the competitive fencing uses protective gear including a normal looking fencing mask, a heavy jacket, some kind of rigid cover on hands, elbows and knees. Lots of clubs play around with spears and other pole weapons, though these are not heavily represented at tournaments.

And, in answer to the question above about spears, it is true that a two handed spear is super difficult to parry using a light hand weapon or buckler, because of the combination of tremendous agility with the point, extreme reach, and great weight and power. A 1 handed spear is comparatively easy to deflect. But, I think the only reliable protection against a 2H spear is another long pole arm or a large shield.
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