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Old 04-09-2019, 06:05 AM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2012
Default Re: Magitech Battlesuits

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
Do you also enforce those Limitations when the AF is not "on" -- that is, for Breakable or Can Be Stolen, you allow the suit to be targeted or stolen from the character, even while they're not wearing it? How about encumbrance? An SM+1 battlesuit isn't going to be easy to carry around when you're not wearing it (and benefiting from its powered ST).

Or do you assume the armor magically vanishes somewhere when the character shifts out of that form?
Either's possible, but yes, I enforce the Gadget Limitation when not in effect. If you don't, then it's not much of a Limitation.

If you make the Gadget of considerable size and DR, then yeah, it's ABSOLUTELY a pain to carry around, without question. When I did this in my homebrew superhero world, Extras, I had the Steel City Angel, and he literally required a truck to move his suit when not piloting it.

You could very easily do an Ultraman version of this, or like Iron Man in, what, 3, where he can summon his suit. Basically, have the 'Gadget' be a watch or other small object, and when it's activated that Time for the transformation is how long it takes the suit to zip zop around him. It just depends on what you want.
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