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Old 06-27-2012, 04:21 AM   #9
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Default Re: [GURPS DF] Welcome to Hell OOC

Character is finished. I'm just fiddling with it a bit at this point.

Mostly trying to find an optimal way to balance out his money (in such a way that I can actually cram in the goddamn moccasins). Also wondering how tightly you're sticking to the disadvantage cap (I had a few other ideas to personalize the character, but I can easily stick within the -50 if you prefer).


Separate from that, I had an interesting idea. Currently building the character as an assassin (that may or may not have been heavily inspired by a certain game series), and since we're in hell, I was thinking that he might well be drawing attention from some very miffed former victims.

If this doesn't suit the way you'd been building hell (like, if the spirits of the dead are insubstantial, even in hell), that's perfectly okay. If you like the idea, I was thinking I'd build it as Enemy (9, Weak Group or Equal Individual, Unknown) [-15]. (This would allow for him having no idea who he might bump into, and for encountering either a single potent individual, or a group of lesser ones.)
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