Thread: Dodgin' Bullets
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Old 03-22-2016, 12:29 PM   #46
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Default Re: Dodgin' Bullets

Originally Posted by Andreas View Post
The Dodge penalties in that article are for spotting the projectile and then dodging it. You have to react and move far faster to dodge a projectile moving at 100*c than one moving at c. It does not make much sense for the penalty to be the same (if you were merely aim dodging, it would make sense, but then the penalty should reach its maximum long before the speed of light).

Yes, basing the penalty on how much time has passed after you manage to spot the attack rather than just speed would be the most realistic solution.
The problem with this, again, is that Dodge for firearms does NOT involve dodging the bullet. The speed of the projectile (or laser beam) is completely irrelevant. You dodge the line of sight of the shooter, really. You dodge his presentation (his aim). You move erratically. Again, all the discussions about the velocity of the bullet miss the point. The reason is that we KNOW that you cannot dodge a bullet by seeing the projectile and moving out of its way. However, we also KNOW that you can dodge the presentation and that you can make hitting yourself more difficult. That is Dodge. I concede that the terminology might be flawed, as it lumps it together with dodging things that you can, actually, evade this way (baseballs, spears, 40-mil grenades, etc), but it works.


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