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Old 03-18-2018, 02:55 PM   #1322
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: Report To The Stakeholders

Originally Posted by Kromm View Post
Which very important information to disseminate. The current market for GURPS supports art-light B&W PDFs, mostly on the short side . . . and GURPS is alive and well in that form.

Everybody has the right to their preferences: hardback, softback, or PDF; color or B&W; art-heavy or art-light; 256 pages, 128 pages, 64 pages, or shorter; and so on. However, "GURPS done according to the precise preferences I enjoy" is a subset of "GURPS." From the perspective of someone whose entire income has depended on GURPS for 23 years, it's distressing when the failure to meet specific preferences is spoken of as death. That leads to the sort of rumor that can put a guy out of a job.

That is a grossly unfair response. Phil Reed said the following in the last two StakeHolders Reports :(1) DF took way longer than it should have taken, leading to cost overruns (2) DF was a failure.

I bought the DF RP game as an old GURPS player. Phil Reed tells me that the game was not managed well and is now dead, right out of the gate. I had thought that the DF RPG was an accessible reboot of GURPS. So my money was not well spent.

A clarifying post from Mr. Reed would be nice, instead of attacks against anyone who, logically, thinks the GURPS line is "dead".

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