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Old 08-17-2013, 09:33 AM   #6
gilbertocarlos's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Caxias do Sul, Brazil
Default Re: GURPS Overhaul - Combat Skills

I have a different approach on parry and weapons breaking. I've thrown away weight, it doesn't matter. Why? simply because if you have a large knife and a guy with ST20 and a hatchet attack you, no chance of breaking, if an ST10 guy attacks you with a broadsword, then it has a good chance of breaking.

The rule is simple:
Every weapon has only DR, no HP. If they parry by 0-2, they get full damage, if it passed DR, roll HT, failed? the weapon breaks.
If they parry by 3+, half damage(this means almost never except for huge damage weapons, and most people won't even roll).

Shields work the same way, but if they break, they only lose 1 DB each time.

All this is on my revised muscle-based weapons system. On my signature.
PS - I Strongly suggest increasing DR if you keep using the standard damage system.
PS 2 - If you use my system, remember that pi/imp weapons only use half the actual damage for breaking purposes.
I've revised the Low Tech weapons table:
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