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Old 09-20-2019, 07:16 AM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: A World of Supers [Powers/Supers]

Since the Northern Song would have stomped the Mongols flat, that changes a lot of trajectories. For example, that means that Islam does not really become dominant in Central Asia, the western part of East Asia, and the northern part of South Asia. It means that the Silk Road is not resurrected, the Islamic kingdoms of West Asia are not destroyed, and likely that the Black Plague does not occur (since its spread was related to the expansion of trade under the Mongols). With stronger Islamic dynasties, the Turks are capable of threatening Eastern Europe earlier and the conquest of Muslim Iberia likely stalls, meaning that Castile does not exist to fund Colombus in 1492.

The real question comes how to existing dynasties embrace super humans? In my conceptualization, the Northern Song embraced them due to their Taoist belief, but how would Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, and Pagan dynasties treat them? Those who embraced them would likely prosper while those that rejected them would likely fall.
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