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Old 08-30-2019, 11:41 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
Default Re: [Basic] Disadvantage of the Week: No Sense of Humor

In GURPS 3E Uplift 2E, the Businesslike Quirk was introduced as a quirk-level version of NSH. Dour, a -5 point disadvantage, combined a limited form of Businesslike with limited Intolerance. In both cases, while you can recognize humor for what it is and can play, you see little point in such activities and don't engage in them by preference. In the latter case, you disapprove of humor, play, and other frivolous activities and react in a mildly negative way towards people you consider to be insufficiently serious.

GURPS 3E Uplift 2E also linked NSH trait to the spectrum of traits described as Playfulness, with Compulsive Behavior (Play) being the opposite of NSH.

For whatever reason, none of these traits made it into GURPS 4E.

NSH is highly appropriate for aliens who either lack a sense of humor or have a sense of humor so strange that the vast majority of other species don't understand it and vice-versa.

If you are a member of a species which has NSH as a racial trait, the ability to recognize humor - even if you don't understand it or use it yourself - might count as a Perk. You still suffer the -2 reaction penalty from species who possess a fully-developed sense of humor, however, and might need to make IQ or skill rolls to recognize when an alien is joking.

NSH potentially overlaps with traits such as Clueless or Oblivious. It is potentially redundant with traits such as Killjoy or Low Empathy.

Combine Clueless, Gullibility, or Oblivious with NSH to create the classic "straight man" comic character. Your constant inability to understand humor and the nuances of social behavior makes you the perfect foil for comedians. The same combination of traits might be appropriate for an autistic spectrum, small child, or mentally-challenged character in a more serious campaign.

Combine NSH with traits like Bad Temper, Bully, Code of Honor, Compulsive Behavior, Intolerance, Obsession, or Sense of Duty to create scary villains or anti-heroes. They're always serious, treat harmless pranks as serious attacks, and never smile except perhaps in grim satisfaction or cruel anticipation. At best, their sense of humor is limited to dark irony, bitter sarcasm, and sadistic practical jokes. They tend to dress in black, operate at night, and leave lots of bodies behind. Think of the darker portrayals of superheroes such as Batman, Punisher, or Wolverine.
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