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Old 03-01-2015, 04:56 PM   #18
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Default Re: What do you want in a Transhuman Space game (as a player)?

Funny typo fixed in order to add clarity to the post.
Originally Posted by Owen Smith View Post
Well I'm a player not a GM so I get what I'm given in a campaign except for what I do with my own PC. However, my only THS campaign has had as GM the current line editor Phil Masters so if he says it's canon any of the players need a strong case to claim otherwise. Of course Phil is trying to tone down memetics or at least give people the option (same with pheromones) so then we get into "canon as current line editor sees it" vs. "canon as originally written". Which gets silly real fast.
I understand that anything new that comes up in a book line is by definition approved by the line editor current for the publication date. But my point is that I'm getting an impression (BTW, I think I already said this) that the setting was deemed 'too cool', and so cool stuff is being either semi-removed or reduced. Some of it is in the various modified versions of the setting, which tends to include less transhumanism, less radical hard SF, less space, or less bio-tech and cybernetic advancement.
Then there are official ones, such things in Big Media Memetics that essentially make TL10 memetics incapable of doing stuff that TL2 memetics did. Or bioroid templates that got changed (and the change had nothing to do with the edition shift). Or the sudden recommendation to change the 2100-society's attitude towards pheromones, even though books like High Frontier and Cities on the Edge have shown that they're not treated a particularly low-LC thing.

I'm not restricting my wishes for THS campaign to only the facts stated in Pulver-era books. But I'm of the preference for the following principle: You can add facts, but not retcon facts; all new books should be consistent with the old books' facts; an exception can be made if and only if an official erratum has been published about a given fact.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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