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Old 01-10-2017, 03:56 PM   #12
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Conservation (-ish) of energy magical system?

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
To help me decide on a magical system, which system is the best fit if I decide that any magic that creates energy or matter ought to be astronomically expensive or even impossible for almost all mortals, but placing a finger on the scales of fate by transfering energy or manipulating 'luck' is something ritual magicians rely on?

Sort of like Discworld magic, but even more limited. Every magical effect would have an equal and opposite reaction, often in a way that risked the magician or demanded sacrifice.

Can I do this in RPM and if so, does anyone have advice?
From your description, it sounds like the multiplier for Greater Effects might be insufficient. Personally, I like the idea of having categories beyond Greater - say, Epic Effects are x5 cost for 1, x10 for 2, x15 for 3, and so forth. RPM would readily support that - figure out the Epic Effects multiplier first, then add +2 for each Greater Effect, to get the total multiplier. For example, Epic Create Energy + Epic Create Matter + Greater Control Matter to conjure a flaming steel sword that obeys your will out of thin air would have a multiplier of x12. In your case, I'd have the Greater/Lesser divide be feasibility-based by default (like normal RPM), but have effects done in opposition to the aspected mana of the area (like warming up someone in a cold-aspected area) get a bump to category (Lesser->Greater->Epic) unless combined with an appropriate sacrifice to appease said aspect (draining heat from yourself and your allies in order to warm up that victim in the cold-aspected area, say). For Epic, just choose some particular effects you think are nearly off-limits - chronal manipulation, creating matter/energy from nothing (rather than just strengthening what already exists), etc. Epic Effects when mana is opposed to it is either outright impossible or each such Epic Effect counts as 3 Epic Effects for determining the multiplier.
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