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Old 06-29-2010, 10:14 AM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Boston, MA
Default Re: Starting an In Nomine game

Originally Posted by nicebrian View Post
Thanks for all the ideas so far, if anybody has ideas what they would do to influence a tether if they were playing an Angel or Demon, I'd be glad to hear it. Might help me figure out the plan the PC's will be tasked to disrupt.
If I were an angel, I'd probably spend most of my time just trying to assassinate or hornswoggle demons to keep them out of the way.

If I were a demon trying to disrupt the Tether, I'd probably try to create as big a disturbance as possible in the immediate area, such as by arranging a giant explosion or murdering a human.

If I were an angel or demon trying to co-opt the Tether, I'd better be prepared for a game with a lot of politicking. :) Probably this would involve manipulating local humans to manipulate the larger populace. The suggestions above offer some good directions. One other one that occurs to me offhand:

Find a crazy guy on the side of the road to start shouting out things about how this is a privately funded venture because it's actually a secret Illuminati plot to conquer the church from within. If he gets enough other people thinking there's something fishy going on, the Tether may go to Alaemon, Prince of Secrets, instead of to Eli.
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