Thread: Current play?
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Old 05-15-2019, 05:25 AM   #76
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Default Re: Current play?

Originally Posted by Original_Carl View Post
1. One of the figures got into hand-to-hand combat with a bear. He died. However, in the process of dying (HTH with bear, above) he wished to fight defensively. I said yes at the time because we were in the middle of it and, why not? (He died anyway!) Is this legal? Can you fight defensively in HTH?
HI Carl, if you're using TFT, the options list (p102-103) gives available options, and if you're in HTH you are very limited: HTH attack, try to disengage, or try to draw a HTH weapon. So no "defend" action.

1.a. Follow up to 1, above. If a figure and a bear are in HTH, do the other figures get +4 to hit the bear? +2? Anything?
Yes, since HTH figures are on the ground, everyone in and out of the HTH battle gets +4 to attack them (p 117)

2. If your MA is 7, how many hexes can you move and still attack? I think it's 3, and we played it that way. This is really a question about rounding, I suppose. Do we always round down?
Right again, the rules say half your MA or less

3. What happens when a bear (or giant snake, or a slime, etc.) rolls an 18? Does it break a claw? How does an animal/monster drop and/or break its weapon if it's not carrying a weapon?
I don't think this is explicitly covered, or for the unarmed combat skills. Our starting point has tended to be that built-in weapons are immune to drop and break. As in, Drop Weapon and Break Weapon spells on a bear or martial artist would be useless, and similarly, rolling 17/18 is an auto miss with no other effect.

Thanks! Love this game. :)
Us too! Hope this helps
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