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Old 01-20-2019, 09:05 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Mass and air density

Originally Posted by CraigR View Post
if a person were teleported from an area, and teleported in his place was an equivalent mass of air (not volume, MASS), how much outward force would be produced? Would it be like an explosion, or just a really strong breeze?
It'll be a fairly substantial explosion - compressing the same mass of air into your volume requires about 800 atmospheres of pressure. For a typical mass person the energy release is between a 6d x 6 and 6d x 40 explosion depending on your assumptions about how the gas expands - probably toward the low end, because a sudden release expansion will be a lot closer to adiabatic than isothermal. It'll also throw around a significant amount of cryogenic liquid - for an ideal approximation the final adiabatic expansion temperature comes out to something around 50 K, well below the 90 K liquefaction point of air.... Expect anyone within a few hexes to suffer severe frostbite.

Also assuming the air comes from around wherever the unfortunate victim teleported *to*, he emerges in the middle of a 3 hex radius vacuum. The collapse of that is much less explosive, but probably still inflicts a couple dice of damage in free air. If you emerged inside you'll certainly collapse the room, and quite possibly the building, and may well suffer more injury from the flying debris.
MA Lloyd
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