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Old 06-14-2018, 07:16 AM   #3
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Default Re: Maximum possible DR...

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
Theoretical yield strengths probably top out around 150 GPa, which is 200 to 300 times the measured value for moderately strong steels, so perhaps something on the order of DR 15000-20000 per inch. For *real* materials, the usual rule of thumb is you can't expect more than 10% of the theoretical strength out of a macroscopic sample of anything, but magic nanotech is often assumed to be able to ignore that.
Would DR scale with the tensile strength, or the square root of tensile strength? If the latter, the upper bound would be closer to DR 1200. Since damage tends to square with the square root of energy, it seems like it might, but I'm literally still in bed and can't get myself to do the analysis right now...

I assume you're using the DR 70 number. That's based on RHA, which is not a "moderately strong steel." So that theoretical super material is going to have about 150 times the tensile strength, for DR 10500 (860 if it should scale with square root).

On the other hand, tensile strength is probably only one factor in a very complex equation.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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