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Old 06-24-2011, 01:20 AM   #24
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Seattle
Default Re: Seraphim and Profanity

I just do not see why Seraphim have to be inhumane robotic Vulcans when it comes to their personality. Sure, they are portrayed in the Core Rules as the most callous and malicious Choir because of their constant truth-keeping vigil...
That IS the Elohim, to a T (the APG mentions Elohim brutally murdering innocent humans for the greater good, or something like that).

And nothing at ALL prevents a Seraph from breaking with his general Choir sobriety and being jovial. In a game I ran there was a PC Seraph of Trade who hosted society cocktail parties, seduced congresswomen, and generally played his rich, eccentric foreigner Role to the hilt (the player's stated goal was to be Sean Connery-esque but he really came off more Michael Caine, I think). The player did struggle a bit at first to edit more metaphorical language from his PC's diction, but he really got to enjoy the challenge and run with it. It helped that he had a human Servant (who was his manservant) and he answered many questions with "my manservant will answer that." He was an unconventional Seraph to be sure, but never dissonant. Very far from a robot.
“The world is going to Hell in a hand-basket, but I’ve got Good News: I saved my soul by switching to Heaven.”
—Baruel, former Djinn of the Media, now Cherub of Destiny and the Angel of Good News
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