Thread: Malakim Oaths
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Old 01-06-2018, 01:54 PM   #4
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Default Re: Malakim Oaths

Originally Posted by gusty737 View Post
Cooper's Blog Liber Neglecta has Oaths for Malakim based on the virtues & sins. If you're looking for "canon" oaths you'll need to do some more digging since specific superior's oaths are only listed in the Superior Books. Sinful Oaths are based on the variant idea of Malakim that make oaths to serve Hell instead of Heaven so if you're looking for Malakim Enemies you'll probably want to check that article. Some of the Homebrew Superior Write-ups also have Oaths for "lesser" superiors like Marc & Jordi. (Correction: Marc has expanded Oath, but not Jordi. If you're using Jordi-based Malakim you'll probably want to improvise an Oath based on the 2nd Superior that "Owns" the Animal Malakim. I'd also suggest Jordi "share" Virtues if you're planning on using lots of Animal Malakim.
I'd probably base a Malakite of Jordi's vows on protecting animals and their habitat (or at least not interfering with them). Also as Jordi's "wolves" they probably have some common vows dealing with the good of the pack (party), or with establishing a hierarchy.

For Marc's vows, I'd look for something focusing on the ideas of fair exchange.

For Jean, something about keeping technology that humanity is not yet ready for out of their hands (or nurturing humans to pursue scientific advancement in a responsible manner).

For Novalis, the pacifism angle is always possible, but I'd probably go for something like spending a certain amount of time nurturing/appreciating a garden/bonsai/&c - or maybe something silly like "don't tread on the grass."

Christopher would be interested in defending children and/or going after those who harm them. This could be a physical defense, but it could also be an injunction against letting children see the Malakite shed blood.

The rest actually have Superior books with formal suggestions.
//Read more at Liber Neglecta and Dictionaire INfernal//
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