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Old 11-05-2018, 07:45 AM   #565
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: The World of Dreams

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
An island inhabited by amnesiacs being held prisoner for crimes that have already been wiped from their memory.
The rehabilitation utopia: it's quite gentle imprisonment, revolving around psychotherapy to uncover the reasons those crimes were commited so those psychological causes can be wiped, as well, resulting in a cured individual. That's a work in progress, though, so for the characters of interest, it's not yet complete -- those criminal tendencies might still be present, and the process can still go wrong. The setting is going to have some attributes of The Prisoner's Island, though likely less wacky. It's the Luxury Hotel California, where you can never leave (and your memories of attempts to do so get wiped as well, as that's just another crime, if a minor one).

The revenge dystopia: Even though the prisoners have no memory of their crimes and no reason to commit another one, they're still imprisoned just so they can suffer extended punishment for their deeds, which misery serves as a deterrent for potential criminals outside. There's a reality TV show featuring the prisoners running outside for the edutainment and indoctrientation of the main population. Prisoner's memories are routinely wiped daily. Starting over ever day keeps the prisoners bewildered as to why they're there and why they're being punished, as well as helping to prevent the prisoners from forming any internal gangs, escape plans, or even mutual support groups or social relationships.
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