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Old 10-02-2018, 12:01 PM   #19
robertsconley's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Default Re: Deed of Paksenarrion conversion?

Paksenarrion world get greatly expanded in the five book follow up series, Paladin's Legacy.

As for magic there are three kinds, divine clerical magic, wizard magic that has to be studied, and the innate magic of mages. The known details are from the point of view of the main characters. So we only know details about clerical and mage magic because there were PoV characters with those abilities.

The closest we come to any type of definitive explanation are scenes like Paks Paladin Training Class. We see from her point of view what she she is being taught.

Aside from Religious and culture strife, a big themes is an ongoing conflict between mages and non-mages. Those who are born with magical ability and those who are not.

Where Elizabeth Moon is strong at is characterization. To me the characters come off as real people. In this case people living in a vaguely D&Dish world. I am a major fan of her work and it heavily influenced how I roleplay people in my Majestic Wilderlands Campaign.

As for it's suitability for roleplaying campaign. It consistent and well done from what we know. And that the problem, like I talked about above we only know what the PoV characters know.

I recommend reading all the available books to get a sense of the setting. The only one that can be considered optional is Liar's Oath. Although it recounts the end of Gird's days from a different perspective and that is interesting and useful to know. Liar's Oath wrap up doesn't really occur until Paladin's Legacy when the context of it opening scene is told.
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