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Old 01-06-2016, 07:07 PM   #19
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Default Re: Mailanka's Musings -- GURPS Content Post

Originally Posted by Mailanka View Post
Yes, I believe you're making a mistake by converting Star Wars.
I agree completely. The two Star Wars GURPS games I've written up (one was run, the other is on the back burner for now) are radically different in scope and feel.

The first, Falling Stars was a mash-up of Dune, Fading Suns, and Star Wars. It was centered around a young Peacekeeper trained by the dying clone of an old Peacekeeper Master, his friend the genetically advanced Homo Superior from a military Great House out to prove his worth as a warrior and that he was still human with a soul, the Seer-Sister with a secret agenda, and the greatest thief the galaxy had ever not caught... the focus was on their personal quests, not on the greater galactic political backdrop (though had they taken an interest I was prepared to get them involved in the Great Game of Houses).

The second, Sengoku Jedi is a Japanese Samurai themed Star Wars setting, set during the 'Great Galactic War'. The old Shogun has lost the outer territories to open rebellion, Jedi have turned on Jedi, and a new Emperor, strategically and political powerful is rising backed by the villainous warrior monk, Darth Vader... The game's focus will be on the Code of Bushidō and how it informs one's Way in the Force, as well as how the greater war impacts the player's home system.
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