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Old 05-24-2019, 02:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2018
Default Boomerang or club?

I am a little curious, how can a boomerang do more damage when thrown than when it is used as a club? 1d+1 vs. 2d-1 at ST11.

Physically it should be impossible. It leaves your hand at the same speed or force if you will as if you hit it with holding on to it. If anything it should be the other way around. Over distance, the thrown boomerang would lose force. And when you hit with it holding on to it with your hand, you could stiffen your wrist at the moment of impact and transfer some of the weight/power of your arm into the blow.

And all other thrown weapons do the same damage when thrown or used in melee. The Spear Thrower being the exception, but that uses a mechanical improvement, so I buy that it creates more force.

Just curious if anyone has any explanations? And for argument's sake, assume both weapons hit from behind, so it is not a "parry" thing or holding back when you attack thing.
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