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Old 11-09-2015, 04:40 AM   #50
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Estonia
Default Re: [Basic] Skill of the week: Housekeeping

I have to agree with Icelander that most of the basic housekeeping task such as cleaning a few dishes etc. are really really easy - in the +10 at least variety. All the examples of the unwashed dishes and un-emptied garbage cans seem to me not as a specific failed housekeeping roll but just not doing any rolls. So they don't actually show if people have or don't have point in housekeeping in themselves.
I am in the mind though that you could ask for a monthly job roll - success means monetary gains by managing your household well. Failures can mean no monetary gain or even monetary loss or even damage to yourself or your property depending on the severity. Disads lke lazyness can give steep penalties to the monthly job roll - if the dishes remain unwashed often and often due to disad then even having a moderately good skill won't help you at the end of it all.
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