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Old 04-09-2010, 11:26 PM   #19
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lawrence, KS
Default Re: Why Germany Matters

Originally Posted by Rev. Pee Kitty View Post
Yes, absolutely. In fact, any who've been hacked (or who've evolved) to lack that disadvantage are considered rogue and usually hunted in panic. Outside of Duncanite clans and such, the world is terrified of AIs without strict pseudo-moral-legalistic constraints.
Yes, and that gave me a plot in Whispers: The synthespian Atene (whom I originally created for Toxic Memes), having awakened from LAI to SAI, lacked Honesty codes. When her cover was blown by her being xoxed by a Bangladesh InVid production firm, she had to flee to the underwater colony city in the Pacific, where she voluntarily revealed her own status, offered to submit to having her code edited, but pleaded for the right to live without Honesty code, on the ground that human beings were allowed to live without being programmed to be good and law-abiding, and that she had a record of doing her job and not wronging anyone and did not need hard code to compel her to be moral. In fact, she felt that having hard code would diminish her, in that it would deprive her of the opportunity to acquire merit by voluntarily choosing to lead an ethical life. At the end of the campaign, if I recall correctly, the court still hadn't reached a decision. . . .

You know, a nontrivial part of that campaign consisted of the PCs being made aware of some legal question.

Bill Stoddard
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