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Old 10-02-2013, 05:05 PM   #38
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Berkeley, CA
Default Re: Scope and format of world data sheets in SF

Huh. A point in the other thread made me consider: what about use of graphics for visual information? To give examples:
Class of Primary: you can set the background color to the color of the primary. I like this for star colors, so Tau Ceti would be
HTML Code:
<span style="background:#fff1df">  G8.5 V </span>
Mean Size: well, you could probably put a compact two-circle graphic showing apparent size relative to the sun (either external graphics or embedded svg); something like a circle overlay on an image of the sun.
Mean Distance, Perihelion, Aphelion: draw an ellipse (side point: by mean distance, do you mean semi-major axis? I can think of several ways of interpreting mean distance with different results, though they won't differ beyond the margin of error until eccentricity gets fairly high).
Axial Tilt: a circle with a line going up/down at the given number of degrees.
Diameter: a circle overlay on an image of the earth.
Visible Illumination: not doable unless you set the base background to gray; otherwise there's no way to make it brighter than sunlight.
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