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Old 11-29-2017, 04:03 AM   #18
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Default Re: X-Files level characters

Originally Posted by JoelSammallahti View Post
I'd go considerably lower on the budget. Mulder and Scully don't strike me as action heroes on par with John McClane or Snake Plisskin: they're just competent people. I'd make regular FBI special agents on 75 points or so, and 150 should be plenty for X-Files heroes. They get outmaneuvered, tricked, and beaten up, after all, and don't manage to catch their guy (or monster) every time.

Remember that skill 12 is a typical professional, and 14 is really quite impressive, so that's the range in which the PCs' main skills should predominantly be found. For example, if a PC modeled on Scully has IQ 12 [40], Diagnosis 14 [12], and ~10 points in other medical skills, that's perfectly sufficient for handling all the medical clue-hunting business. And if she gets into a shootout, DX 11 [20] and Guns (Pistol) 13 [4] gives her a huge advantage against some random street thugs with DX 10 and 1 point at best in Guns (Pistol) - most realistic criminals blast away at a DX-4 default.

Don't go overboard with the opposition or the penalties, and the PCs won't need to be Batman to overcome them. (Monster Hunters is kind of a bad reference point here: it suffers from a case of enemy inflation in order to challenge the larger-than-life heroes, so even ordinary human bad guys are pretty terrifying. Monster Hunters PCs are supposed to regularly mow down critters that X-Files would treat as practically unbeatable horrors.)
I fully do agree. David Duchovny once said that Fox Mulder was the worst FBI agent he ever saw: years of investigations and never the least tangible proof. Of course, it was a joke. But JoelSammallahti is still right: Mulder and Scully are just competent characters. When they face dangerous foe, they do what real FBI agents do: they call for help.

Last edited by Gollum; 11-29-2017 at 04:10 AM.
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