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Old 06-23-2015, 09:01 PM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Weapon Adaptation [MA]

Originally Posted by acrosome View Post
So... I don't actually need to buy the Glaive Fighting style and waste a point in Polearm skill? I just need to buff up my Quarterstaff style, and then buy Style Adaptation (Quarterstaff to Glaive Fighting) and Weapon Adaptation (Polearm to Staff)? This will justify buying the Hook (Staff) technique?

Interesting. A couple of points saved, if nothing else...

So this is valid, and lets me use the buffed Staff skill with a bill?:

Style Familiarity (Quarterstaff)
Style Adaptation (Quarterstaff to Glaive Fighting)
Weapon Adaptation (Polearm to Staff)
Grip Mastery (Staff)
Staff- at some ridiculous level
Hook (Staff)- at whatever level
Various other techniques from both Quarterstaff and Glaive Fighting styles
Note: SInce that is two non-style perks I need 40 points in Quarterstaff style to justify them, per MA p.49.
Looks fine to me. Although you need 40 points in combat skills to qualify for two non-style perks by the perk limit rules, they don't need to be in Staff.

You need 10 points in Staff to get the Grip Mastery style perk, but the other 30 can be in anything. Indeed you could in principle you could do this with zero points in Staff (OK, 1 point in Staff - you need it to qualify for the Style Familiarity (Quarterstaff), since its a primary skill of the style) and 60 in, say, Crossbow to pay for 3 non-style perks. It's just another one of those places the perk limit rules don't make a lot of sense.
MA Lloyd
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