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Old 09-10-2018, 11:38 AM   #46
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Collapsibles and Drop Tanks

Originally Posted by hal View Post
My problem with this whole mess is thus:
Pretty much my thought in my second paragraph. Given M-drive performance, it's easy to arrange any reasonable separate you want from the drop tanks before jump without affecting your travel time -- even in terms of combat turns. The tanks won't be in the jump field when you jump.

The answer would thus have to be that you can't store that energy for very long, so there's not much time for the tanks to clear the ship before you have to jump (or dump that energy somewhere less useful, like into the capacitors themselves, or the power planet, or something else lethal).

At least you could also use that same handwavium to (mostly) explain why those high energy density, yet unstable, jump capacitors aren't used anywhere else. It'd be a lousy way to power your Air/Raft. Might see them in pulse lasers or such technology.
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