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Old 09-17-2017, 05:43 PM   #16
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Default Re: What is the best Magic system to use in a DF campaign?

Maybe the best approach to date to the save-or-die spells is the D&D Next one: no spell lasts for such a long time, the target has a chance to recover on every turn.
Bosses have Legendary Resistance, allowing them to reroll bad saves.

How would be the best way to implement this on GURPS while not severely handicapping offensive debuffer mages? Maybe lowering the costs?

Also, how to require more specialization from the Wizards without badly handicapping them? I was thinking maybe Magery bonuses would only apply to a single school or two closely related schools? For example, Magery 0 is universal, then Magery 1+ would require specialization.
Maybe the full bonuses would only apply to one school, but may apply at a reduced rate to the others.
But then it would make it way better to simply pump IQ. So maybe Magery also limits how much IQ you can have as a base for a determined school of Magic?

I don't know the system very well, so if anyone could help me develop those ideas in a way that is balanced with the rest of Dungeon Fantasy, I'd be happy.
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