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Old 06-25-2018, 08:29 AM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: What can Lend Energy restore?

Originally Posted by coronatiger View Post
Can Lend Energy restore FP lost to starvation, thirst, lack of sleep and suffocation?

If yes, wouldn't two mages be able to go without food, water or sleep indefinitely?
The information you want regarding Fatigue recovery, is listed on page 427 of GURPS BASIC: CAMPAIGNS. Start at the lower right bottom of the page under the heading "RECOVERING FROM FATIGUE". It is very specific as to how you can recover from the different circumstances of Fatigue loss.

Note that while it does mention recovering fatigue by means of magic and potions and the like (a subset of magic when you get right down to it), the specifics of how you can recover fatigue from starvation, thirst, and lack of sleep can ONLY be recovered by... (and it lists the conditions).

So, if you're concerned about rules as written, I'd go with Malloyd's answer.

The one "rule of thumb" you might want to consider in general, is this...

"if the rules imply a perpetual motion machine like efficiency - always go with the concept of TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)."

Back when GURPS GRIMOIRE first came out, one player EAGERLY latched onto the idea of creating gold from Stone with a simple spell. That was, until as GM, I noted that such a spell's impact on the game world would have resulted in some other form of currency than metals for the currency. A single casting of the spell would permit one to have 6 tons of iron - something that was NOT noted in playtest (and if I understand, the playtest for GURPS GRIMOIRE was problematical to begin with). Net result? The spell was removed from game play entirely as a consequence of the TANSTAAFL rule.

If you as a GM want to explore the possibility of LEND ENERGY being able to bypass the restrictions of the rules as written, then the houserule that it can bypass it is a perfectly legitimate way to go. Just don't be surprised if your players playing mages, don't find creative ways to introduce perpetual motion machines into game play.

For instance? Imagine being able to build a gate via the spell. Imagine too, building a shaft in which you have an iron bolt/spear dropped from the top of the shaft, upon which the bolt drops to the bottom of the shaft. Before hitting the bottom, the iron spear or bolt, enters the magical gate, and falls out of the other gate, which happens to be positioned at the top of the said shaft. That's a massive free fall gravity generator isn't it? Now, put in two more gates, that only work when a password is spoken. Place the entry point magical gate inside the same shaft, place the other "egress point" of the magical gate, in front of a city gate defending the city proper. Now? Imagine about twenty such shaft/gate systems so that at any given time, you can create gravity powered bolt throwers that can launch a whole slew of iron bolts out the front of a city gate at enemy warriors trying to storm the city gate.

TANSTAAFL? You decide. ;)

GURPS MAGIC is largely an exercise in creativity on the part of the mage and the GM having to decide what is or is not possible in that situation. Got an invading fleet of enemy triremes? Get a mage to shapeshift into a seagull, carry a pebble enchanted with Essential fire, and drop the pebble onto the trireme. Maybe shapeshifting is a pain in the buttocks, so you possess sea gulls outright, and have a defending force of mages do that instead. But as a GM, remember - mankind is a resourceful beast. If one idea works, someone will try to come up with a defense against it or find a way to counter it. And if one idea can't be countered directly, then mankind will find ways to maneuver around it so as to avoid it and STILL achieve their goals.

Now, if you're asking as a player trying to convince his GM - that's entirely different. ;)
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