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Old 04-08-2015, 07:25 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2015
Default Re: Super Powered Equipments that Grants Super Powers

You all have been surprisingly fast and eficient in your assistance. Again, I thank you all for all that. I know now how to deal with those deviant customized Equipments thanks to you.

Now, down to business, the reason I started this whole thread was because I was thinking of using those Powered Equipments as the core of a new game world. There would be helpful Equipments (such as the Strength granting ring), but cursed Equipments as well. And one of those cursed Equipments was giving me this whole headache.

This cursed Equipment would be a Mask that would grant Advantages to the user, but also the Disadvantage Cursed (which we all know, sucks a lot) while he wears it. But its main feature would be the Ability to "be always there".

By being "always there", I mean that cursed doll that always reapears in a children's room is horror movies, after they were thrown away, burned down and whatsoever. They are always there, doesn't matter what you do. They always return to haunt you, by just "being there".

I was trying to achieve it by adding the Advantage "Warp" to the Mask, with some limitations (only towards its "cursed target", only when nobody is watching, and so on, but it would have to be flawless (always work, always find the target, never wanders to somewhere else and so on) and the Warp Advantage is not quite "Flawless". Also, it requires an IQ roll, and the Mask doesn't have any IQ.

If this was just an in-game item, I would just make it work the way I like without being too picky with the details. But the problem is that a player will have this Mask at the beggining of the game. So I have to figure all the details now.

Another feature would be the ability to stick itself to the wearer's face for a fixed amount of time (so the wearer wouldn't be able to remove the mask for, let's say, 24 hours). I searched a little and didn't find any Advantage or Disadvantage that would help me achieve that. If any of you have a clue of how to proceed, I would be thankful.

Again, you have already helped me a lot and I feel like I'm much closer to my goal than I was before. Now there are just some pebbles in my way.

Last edited by Shishiwashi; 04-08-2015 at 07:26 PM. Reason: mispelling
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